How To Start As Commercial Real Estate Agent
Start by knowing everything you can about your market/asset class including all demographics (this is how you will begin to bring value to potential/current clients)
Client Relationship Management System- CRM
In this system you need to add all contacts you gain daily, sphere of influence contacts, past and present clients
(with this CRM you should do emails to your contacts every 14–21 days) BRING VALUE WITH EACH EMAIL
Schedule your day in a way that is highly effective and efficient for you
3–4 hrs. of cold calls
2 hrs of warms calls (sphere of influence- college Alum-high school Alum-Church,
Synagogue groups-friend-family etc.)
½ hr for Posting content on your social networks (2–4 times per week)
Try to make one Networking event.
Block Program (for retail agents) walking a 3 block distance (depending on size of your blocks) in your market that you have chosen- create a leave behind that brings value to your market, walk the 3 blocks and go into each retail location and introduce yourself to the person in charge (owner/manager) and give them your leave behind and try to get their email/contact info (add them to your CRM). The next 60 days you need to go back to the same few blocks (every two weeks) so they get to know you (you are building a relationship), you will gain their trust and with that they will keep you up to date on what is happening in their immediate area, after several weeks you will have information that is valuable to the owners of the building in the community that other agents will not know so you can bring great value when you call and begin to build that relationship (add them to your CRM). Expand your block program an additional three blocks every quarter.
Canvassing program (for office agents). Similar to the block program, you should canvass the area you are working and try to go into every office. Ask questions on if the space is working for them, when their lease expires, etc.… put the information in your CRM. Give them a market update leave behind.
Email Program
Create groups to email to. This will allow you to focus the content to specific groups so you can add value, as you don’t want to just send emails that someone has no interest in since they will likely unsubscribe. Be sure that the information going to each group is pertinent to what they are focused on. Ie: your sphere of influence may not have much interest on what is happening in your block program-customize the information to the group
Ask past and present clients to write reviews for you on as many sites as possible- Company Website, Facebook, Glassdoor, Yelp and most importantly GOOGLE
Follow Up With Every Potential Client- it takes a lot of time and money to get a client so be sure you maintain the relationships. Contact them regularly (at least every 60 days)
Check your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) often-check your analytics on your marketing and see what marketing is working best for you and focus on that type of content creation.
If you are considering a mentor I would highly recommend it, find someone that is doing exactly what you want, approach them and offer to bring them value in exchange for mentoring you.
We have many videos regarding commercial real estate on my YouTube channel or you can reach out directly